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Dr. Ali Babaoğlu Institute Has Set a new Training Group in Vinnytsia, Ukraine in collaboration with APPU

'Me Myself and The other are Healing Together.' Wonderful People and Organisation. Having the experience of Silence, Action and the Cost of the Survival, Psychosomatic. Workshop in Vinnytsia, Ukraine in collaboration with APPU (Ukrainean Psychotherapist and Psychoanalytics) and VRSPP (Vinnytsia Region Society of Psychologists and Psychotherapists), 23rd-25th March 2019. Dr.Ali Babaoğlu Jungian Psychodrama Sociodrama Public Mental Health Institute.

Me Myself and The other are Healing Together

1- The invisible wounds of trauma are often the most painful and difficult to heal. You want to help your clients (and self) to repair their wound. Permanent relief for your clients with Somatic Experiencing in psychodrama, expressive therapy, sociodrama you can learn to apply the body-oriented techniques with collective memory (narratives) and rituals (healing together) of exile's.

2- Individuals as Professionals of Mental Health Workers, Social Workers, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Consultants working with trauma patients and Veterans or Civilians or Refugees suffering from the PTSD, Anxiety disorders etc. experience multiple physical symptoms and signs (DSM 5). In all around the world there are continious methods of rituals as storytelling, community dancing, musical rhythms with special instruments, seremonies etc that increased body awareness, a stronger connection to self, a shift in deep-seated patterns, a more regulated nervous system.

3- Psychodrama group therapists require to learn and need to have the skills of theoretical and practical knowledge and expertise about ‘trauma’ and ‘psychopathology’ when working with survivors of traumatic experiences. Importance of 'Structure', ‘Safe Place with Frame-Work and Borders’ will be experienced during Work-Shop.

4- We will apply theoretical and practice of Psychodrama, Expressive therapy and Sociodrama with body oriented Psychosomatic techniques in expressive therapy methods’ rituals and collective memory to develop resilience and to cope with trauma of the ‘exile’s.

Exile: Self, acting and moving from one point to another (pull and push)


Me Myself and The other are Healing Together

Psychosomatic and the exile’s ritual to survive on the road to the safe place! (collective memory, trauma, psychosomatic, rituals).

Participants will learn how to work with expressive therapy, psychodrama and sociodrama methods on trauma intervention and developing resilience and coping with the exile's somatic symptoms together with collective memory and rituals.

-Learn theoretical and practical knowledge and literature about trauma and trauma intervention methods with psychopathology how to work with expressive therapy, psychodrama and sociodrama methods on developing resilience and coping with the exile's somatic symptoms with post traumatic growth

-Learn how to cope with the exile's traumatic event and develop resilience with collective memory and rituals.




Canel Bingöl M.D. Ph.D. 

He has affiliations to The International Association of Group Psychotherapies (IAGP), American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA), American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (ASGPP) and member of ASGPP International Committee. He is also a member of IAGP Trauma Group and founder member of Dr Ali Babaoğlu Jungien Psychodrama Sociodrama and Mental Public Health Institute.

Dr. Ali Babaoglu Ukrayna

Dr. Ali Babaoglu Ukrayna

Psikodrama Eğitim Grubu Psychodrama Training Group

Dr. Ali Babaoglu Ukrayna

Dr. Ali Babaoglu Ukrayna

After the training with the certificates. Eğitimden sonra sertifikalarla

Dr. Ali Babaoglu Ukrayna

Dr. Ali Babaoglu Ukrayna

Dr. Caner Bingöl

Dr. Ali Babaoglu Ukrayna

Dr. Ali Babaoglu Ukrayna


Dr. Ali Babaoglu Ukrayna

Dr. Ali Babaoglu Ukrayna

With certificate

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