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Farklı bir Psikodrama/Sosyodrama ve Grup Terapisi/Jungiyen Grup Süreçleri  Eğitimi!

Join Now!

New Training Group welcomes to the new comers!

This training program is designed to help a group of professionals working in the field of mental health to create a wider group together with new friends to share and disseminate the Jungian approach. When determining the participants, the points to be considered are not only the psychodrama learning requirements, but also the motivation and ethical principles to be the practitioner, carrier and regenerator of the Jungian school. Although the program is continuous, there are limited number of new participations.

In addition, as part of the training program, it is also possible to participate in sessions organized modularly on different subjects, except those in groups that think it will benefit from the session.

Please send us your resume information and your motivation to participate in the training. We will return to you as soon as possible after the evaluation.


Kayıt olmak için lütfen aşağıdaki bilgileri doldurun.


İJUNGİ Yeni Döneminde İlk Mezunumuz Diplomasını Aldı

My name is Alexa Young

Enstitümüzdeki eğitimini tamamlayarak psikodramatist olan İzlem Aybastı diplomasını Cumhuriyetimizin 100. yıldönümünde psikodramanın en önemli isimlerinden ve eğiticilerimizden  Rebecca Walters'ın ellerinden aldı. Diploma töreni için Enstitümüze gelen Rebecca Walters yaptığı konuşmada tek bir sözün altını çizdi: Mikemmel olmaya değil kendiniz/gerçek olmaya odaklanın.

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